Tuesday 24 June 2014

الشيعة والسنة

إنتشرت كثيرا في الأيام والأسابيع الماضية فيديوهات يظهر فيها بعض الشيعة يسبون الصحابة - رضي الله عنهم- ويتوعدون أهل السنة بالقتل.
اتسأل ما الهدف من نشر هكذا فيديوهات، هل هو تحريض على قتل الشيعة؟ هل هو لنكرههم ولا نأسف بل ونُسرّ لسفك دمائهم؟ أم هل هو لكشف الحقيقة، و أي حقيقة نقصد؟
لا أظن، بل اكاد أقسم أن السيستاني والصدر والحكيم وخامنيي يكرهون أزواج الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام وصحابته رضوان الله عليهم. واكاد أجزم انهم يكرهون أهل السنة ويحبون سفك دمائهم.

لكن، لن أكون مثلهم ولن يكونوا لي قدوة...

التحريض على أهل السنة ليس اعظم من تخاذل المنافقين يوم تبوك، وليس اعظم من عودة عبدالله بن أبي بثلث الجيش يوم أحد...

سبّ الصحابة رضي الله عنهم ليس اعظم من قول عبدالله بن أبي متحدثاً عن الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام : سمنّ كلبك يأكلك، وإن رجعنا إلى المدينة ليخرجن الاعز منها الاذل..

قبل ان تنشر شيئا اسأل نفسك لماذا؟

وهل تظن ان قتال المسلم للمسلم( وباجماع العلماء عوام الشيعة مسلمين بلا شك) نصرٌ للإسلام والمسلمين؟ ان لم تستطع ان تدعو إلى حقن الدماء، فلا تدعوا إلى سفكها.. 

كلمة أخيرة عن داعش ومن فرح بها:
لا يُغلب الباطل إلا الحق
ولا يُدفَعُ الباطل بالباطل..

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Life under occupation

Life under occupation:
Enfield Palestine Solidarity Campaign organized a talk about life in Palestine under the Israeli occupation. The talk was hosted at the United Reform Church in Palmers Green and was well attended by local residents.
The talk was chaired by Roger Hallam from the Enfield branch of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and the speakers were:

Bernard Regan; member of the executive committee of the national Palestine Solidarity Campaign and a member of the NUT.

Leah Leaven: the treasurer of Jews for Justice for Palestine.

Sarah Haleimah: a project manager for Medical Aid for Palestinians.

Bernard started the talk highlighting the changes of the Palestinian map over the past decades. He spoke about a recent visit by the PCS and the NUT delegates to Palestine and what they have witnessed. Bernard highlighted how Palestinian villages have been denied access to grow or develop, and facing demolishing under various names and plans. He also mentioned a recent report by the World Bank stating that if Palestinians have access to their own resources in the Jordan Valley and the Dead sea the Palestinian GDP will grow by 38%.
Bernard also draw the attention of the attendees of the children suffering in Palestine and how Israel continuously violates their basic human rights through arrests, being held in military prisons, forced to sign confessions without presence of lawyers or parents in a different language, and many other practices that are not accepted by any civilised society.

Leah explained why JfJfP exists and that there is nothing Jewish about the occupation. She presented few anecdotes with photos about a recent visit to the West Bank showing the daily suffering of Palestinians because of the Wall, the checkpoints, and the settlers. Leah also highlighted the suffering of Palestinian children stating that 97% of arrests lead to convention in courts compared to only 4% of Israeli children arrests, who also received a complete different treatment that complies with the Geneva Convention. 

Sarah, who only returned from a visit to Gaza earlier in the day spoke of the suffering of Palestinians living Gaza because of the Israeli- Egyptian blockade highlighting some shocking facts such an unemployment rates that reach 40%, 90% of Gaza strip residents rely on aid, and a recent report by the UNCHR stating that Gaza will be inhabitable by 2020.

The questions and answers section has shown the interest people have on the matter and addressed few issues that the British public can contribute or support such as:

Lobbying MPs on the issues raised mainly a motion in the House of Commons about the treatment of Palestinian children by Israeli forces.

Raising the general public awareness of what is happening in Gaza and the West Bank.

Support the BDS (boycott, disinvestment and sanctions) campaign, which did have significant impact on the South African apartheid regime.

In relation to the media, to encourage positive reporting on the Palestinian matter and complain about negative and biased reporting.

Leah highlighted repeatedly that the existence of her organisation and many other Jewish organizations such as Rabbis for justice and Anarchist against the wall is a proof and a statement that opposing Israel is not Anti-Semite.
The talk concluded at 9:30 pm.