Friday 29 November 2019

Elections: What is it about?

Jeremy Corbyn has the personality of an old tea pot, calm, boring and beige.  I do not think if I am having a house party he will be the first guest to think of. On the other hand, Boris Johnson looks like a great fun, good entertainer and full of anecdotes and quotes that will enlighten any dinner party. We might like someone, but we know they are dull and boring, and really I do not think I want to spend my BBQ party talking about what  Karl  Marx meant by exchange- value and commodity in Capital!

Sadly for many, we will not be voting in next election on the best dinner guests, otherwise the likes of Corbyn or Abbott has no chance. We are also not voting for an autocratic monarch, or a “president for life”, so we have a real choice, we have freedom of choice, and we need to know what is voting about and what is government, then we can make a choice.

This is about more than just an individual, they (media and spin teams) do their best to make it look so, to feel that you are voting for a person, “the person” you like , or believe you do. Which one do I like more? Frankly neither! Who looks more Prime Minister material? My answer is still the same; neither.

 I will not be voting for a person, I am voting for ideas, ideology, party manifesto, plans to deliver these ideas and ideology, not for the way someone eats a ham sandwich.

If I am going away, I would not trust Boris to water my plants. I know he will not remember, he will not care, and I would certainly worry that he would only go to my house with a prostitute. This is the answer I can come up with about trusting the individual, I do not find Jeremy Corbyn entertaining, but I trust him, and I do not have to like someone to trust them. 

People disliked Corbyn when he refused to answer the question about using nuclear weapons to kill millions, they disliked him because he did not fully embrace the remain campaign,  disliked him for many things, but underneath the surface, the man has always been consistent.  As for Boris Jonson, there is no consistency, we really do not know what he thinks of Europe, the NHS, austerity or any of his personal convictions, if he has any.

If you want to make this election about the individual rather than ideology, the question I ask you: do you really trust Boris? Really?



Ahmad Baker

#VoteLabour #VoteNHS

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