Tuesday 4 August 2015




I was born many years ago, and the first thing that amused me, was not the bright light, the space around, or seeing people for the first time, it was my first breath. The fresh air going inside filled me with joy, tasteless but still full of life. I enjoyed it so much I took another one, and another, I wanted to tell all the world how happy I was, I was truly “laughing out loud”, but people thought I was crying, they did not understood what I was trying to do or say, they did not want to understand it, they prejudge me.

And like every joy in life, soon after it becomes a routine, a boring repetitive action that has no life, no meaning, no value. My breathing became like that, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, breathing not because I want to, but because I have to.. I am breathing, therefore I exist.



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