Wednesday 13 May 2020

On being a nurse

Very very short stories, based on true events 🙂

1999, 4am
Me:I need to check on bed9, I don't think he's tolerating the Morphine well.
Minutes later, I am giving him IV Naloxone.
Hours later, bed9 is sitting in his bed, enjoying breakfast and morning sunshine.

Me: Mrs X, good to see you, this is my student!
Mrs X talking to the student with a cheeky smile: did he tell you that he broke my rib?
Me: do you care to tell her why?
Mrs X: admittingly, it was when he started cpr saving my life
(she did have some broken ribs after the cpr, but I'm not sure if it was me;)

2003, Ramadan 1pm.
Mr X: that was a very nice roast, i really enjoyed
Me: I am glad you did
Mr X: and thank you for the Intelligent discussion
Me: thank you

2006 10pm
Mr X: Ahmad, really sorry about last night. My wife told me that I was very rude and racist to you
Me: I am glad to see you better, it wasn't you, you were confused
Mr X: did I also hit you with my walking stick?
Me: you tried, but I'm very agile.

My colleague : I like the response you wrote to the consultation!
Me: also wrote to chief executive about the safety in the children's ward.

Me: what you did was excellent and outstanding
Nurse X, with eyes full of tears, but after all that the patient died
Me: death is not necessarily a failure, its the natural end of life. You gave him all the care and dignity he needed at his last moments..

2019 8pm
She is on the other side of the wall standing on the ledge: I just want to die
Me, standing on one side of the wall holding tight onto her: no, you will not

1997-2020 many, many times
Me: I am very sorry for your loss

My son standing on the front door : anything interesting happened at work today?
Me: there's always something interesting happening if you are a nurse!

Ahmad Baker

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