Tuesday 12 January 2021

empty hospitals

Empty hospitals videos...

I have seen few videos shared of empty hospitals, claiming that covid-19 is a hoax.
People who filmed such videos are evil, knowingly deceiving others by choosing an empty ward or corridor to film. There's nothing you can say to change their mind, because they know the truth, but they are lying.

People who chose to believe such deception and lies are simply stupid. After months of living through this terrible pandemic and many many deaths, if they are still looking for something to prove it is a hoax, then they are stupid. Again, there is nothing you can do or say to change the mind of an idiot, engaging in discussion with idiots is a waste of time.

There are people who look at death numbers and dig in the thesaurus to find smart words such as (of covid, with covid, comorbidities, old people) and start to argue that the numbers are exaggerated. Those have already made their minds, pointless and painful to argue with them, or explain that they really don't know what they are talking about.

Some people say that death rate is only so an so, and compare figures with last year's deaths and some other numbers they really have no full understanding of. They ignored that 1 in a hundred is a lot, especially if that 1 is you, or your loved one. They ignored the impact of all what has been done to reduce the spread of the disease, and judge the outcome with a question like: is it worth it to destroy the economy for few hundred deaths? Which is a valid point, but disingenuous. It is not few hundred deaths, and it is a lot of deaths, in spite of all actions that, admittingly, destroyed the economy, we exceeded 80 thousands here! 

Then there are people who are working tirelessly to save lives, putting their lives on the line to save other's. Work with huge difficulties and do all they could to physically and emotionally overcome the challenge. Then they have to put up with all this, evil, stupid, arrogant nonsense... 
Give us break..

For all of you, these are some empty hospital corridors.. 

Ahmad Baker 

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