Wednesday 12 May 2021

Palestine, why it matters?

You might like a political ideology, dislike a religion, approve or disapprove of things that are widely acceptable or controversial. But you must support Palestine.

Many like to think it's a two sided war, about religion and history, and therefore do not have or want to have an opinion about it.


If in any "news story" you struggle to understand the situation, remind yourself of the basics: occupied Palestine! It means that any situation /story is a result of the basic cause of the problem, conflict, struggle : occupation... Any current, past or future issues are all because of the occupation, symptoms of the real underlying disease, the occupation. 

What does occupation mean:
Its not just control of the land, it is control of people's lives. Targeting and indiscriminate killings, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, imprisonment without trials, blockades, preventing people to leave or enter, check points, and taxation without representation. It is a form of slavery and worse, and if you are a human, then you can choose between siding with the oppressed or the oppressor, the occupation or the Palestinians? 

Palestine is the moral compass of humanity, the only population in the world still living under occupation for decades and all the world bears witness to it, silently. This shows how corrupt this world is. Every politician, philosopher, writer, artist I judge them by their stance on Palestine. Because if they don't express their morality about a clear dilemma, how can you trust about anything that could be remotely vague? 

Palestine matters, to Palestinians because its our right, to all of humanity because it is our duty. 

Ahmad Baker 

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