Sunday 15 July 2012

The empty jar…

The empty jar…

I live in a jar, an empty jar. Although technically speaking, with me inside it, that makes it not empty, but apart from me, there is nothing, just emptiness.

I wake up every morning just before sunrise, I like to witness the day starting. I tidy up my jar, do the cleaning, and then start getting ready for the day. I work hard inside the jar, I polish the glass everyday, smooth the curbs on the lid, and I turn it around few times. I spend my entire day running around like a headless chicken and  keeping myself busy. By night, I lay down looking at my jar, nothing much to stare at, so I just dream of a better jar!

Daily routine is a bad thing, but you have no options when you live in a jar. Repetitive actions are not a good idea, but you have no choice when you live in a jar. Having very little in your life to be proud off or talk about is not a good at all, but you have no options when you live in a jar. Being whom I am is not what I hoped for, but I have no option, I live in a jar! an empty jar!

Everyday, every night, this is what I do in my jar, although its empty and there is nothing but me, although I am alone and had only my reflection on the glass to look at, although I achieve nothing in my life inside this jar, I have no other option but to continue living inside the jar… this is my jar, and my jar is my life!

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