Sunday 22 July 2012

death note

Death note:

I pushed my way through to get to the bus, I climbed the stairs to the top deck and found an empty seat at the third row from the end. I sat down and started settling myself, while I was going through my bag to find the headphones, a page on the floor caught my eyes. It looked as it was torn off a wired notebook, carelessly, as the bottom was ripped off.

In a very neat and large font somebody wrote:
Dear all,
I love you all…
Please forgive me…

Not signed, no indication of the name or who is “all”? I looked around holding it in my hand to see if anybody would reclaim ownership and shout: that’s mine? I looked at the faces to match the handwriting, but there was no sign of an owner…
Looked at it again and started saying to myself this looks like a death note! Somebody was writing his death note!

Why I am saying “his”? could be “her”?!
Who’s this “person? Why they left it on the bus? Why I picked it up? What shall I do with it?

Have they done it yet, suicide? Is he or she dead now? Maybe I can save him from killing himself! Again I was assuming it is a man… maybe it is a man, the way the paper is torn off so carelessly might indicate it is a man. But the handwriting is very neat, so it could be a woman.

But why does he or she want to kill themselves? Is He/ she very depressed? Could I save him/ her? What I would say to stop him, her, from suicide? What could I say to make him/ her change his/her mind? I could say how life is great, how I overcome troubles and manage to live a happy life. But how true is that? Am I happy? Have I succeeded in my life? I feel very bad about myself and my life! I am depressed most of the time. My sense of underachievement and not have any value of life has combined me all through my life. How many times I hoped I will die? Did I ever think of suicide? Maybe this is my death note? Maybe this is my handwriting! Maybe these are my last words!

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