Friday 10 August 2012

Say no to Martians....

Since NASA announced its recent mission to Mars i have been deeply worried that they might succeed this time in finding new life there. The idea of others sharing this universe with us is so disturbing, at least for me.

I look at our current state as humans dwelling on this planet and feel so sad and angry. This feeling is not helped by my addiction to the 24/7 news channels. Same disturbing stories are repeated every hour of the day: famine, diseases, civil wars, ethnic cleansing, mass murders, and crisis everywhere! All this with only one intelligent life around, why would you look for another!

You might say that i am pessimistic and a lot of people do not share my pessimism. Well i know for a fact that my dark view is the common view; i am not the exception. When the professionals tried to imagine new lives on other planet they only came up with Aliens, Star War, Star Trek, Apollo 18, Independence Day and so on... I can not think of any Hollywood movie - apart from some erotic ones- that paints a nice picture of the extraterrestrial life, it is always blood thirsty war mongers scary creatures who are worse than us.

You may argue that we can hope that they might be better and we could learn new things from them! Well, judging by our desires to learn I bet you the first thing we will learn is how to make these fancy laser guns! How we could build better fighter jets, and how we we can kill all our fellow humans with a press of a button.

So far i am relieved that they have found nothing, because as it is, this universe is not big enough for us humans, so Martians stay in hiding as we do not want you!
I am going to start a petition to say Martians you are not welcomed...

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