Friday 27 December 2013

Remembering my hero friend Abbas Khan

You don't get to meet a hero everyday, you might not meet a real hero all your life, but when you meet one it is a memory that you want to hold on, you will keep, you will always remember, and forever you will be proud.

Abbas Khan wasn't a hero when I met him, wasn't trying to be one. But he was a very nice, loveable, and caring person.

When he to Syria and the Syrian refugees camps he was doing what he believed is his duty, to care and cure. Care for his fellow humans, care for those who need it most.

He was not there for fame, wasn't trying to be a hero, wasn't there to be a martyr, he was there because he was a human, a true human.
He was not doing just for the lifeafter, he was doing for the life now, other innocent people's lives, not his.

When the regime forces arrested him he had his medical emergency bag, the basic medicines and equipments he used to save lives, the lives they wanted to end, so they said he was a terrorist! I am sure an honest caring human trying to help the wounded is something would terrorise such criminals.

I knew the Syrian regime and it's ruthless security services, I didn't have much hope that Abbas will survive in there prisons, not because he was weak, no, on the contrary, because he was strong and they will try and break him, but he will not, so they will kill him. Eventually they did!

They tried to break him, but he broke them.
They wanted to erase him, he became a legend.
They killed him, he is now immortal.

Abbas, my friend, I will always be proud of you, my friend, my hero.

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