Monday 19 June 2017

Where to go now?

London streets are  no longer paved with gold, but stained with innocent blood.

Another terrorist attack, and the streets of this great city are crying blood, the citizens of the most diverse place on earth are in shock, and the question on everyone's mind : where to go now?

On Saturday night we had "the great get together" remembering Jo Cox and what she lived for: unity and love, not what her killer intended: devision and hatred.

We are held at ransom to fanatics who want to impose their native, their truth, their sickening ideology. They want us to believe that if we are not the same then we can't cohabit the same place! History of humanity proves them wrong, history of this great city proves them wrong..

My heart is broken, but I will not give in, I will smile, with tears in my eyes, I will smile, and I will love my neighbours, love the strangers I don't know, even love the ones who hate me, hate us because we are "different".

We are different, true, but that's the beauty of being a Londoner, being British, being human. And human I am and will continue to be...

William Blake said:
A truth that’s told with bad intent Beats all the Lies you can invent.
It is right it should be so;
Man was made for Joy and Woe; And when this we rightly know
Thro’ the World we safely go

Ahmad Baker

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