Thursday 9 August 2018

Just another day

Just another day

Everyday looks the same, 
feels the same, 
lived the same
Waking, walking, eating, drinking,
Living, loving, hating and surviving,
The sunrise, the tides of time and being,
the cold feelings,
The lonely nights, the dark sky,
Everyday is just another day
Except today, it is not
10th of August 2009,
And every 10th of August for the rest of time,

Standing in front of the grave,
The body of the most beloved is lifeless
The one who gave me life, no longer has it
Mouth shut, no sound, no smile, eyes lost their shine
Not sure if that was her face or mine

The tears, the heartache, the bowed shoulders,
The coldness, the tremors, the grieve,
The broken soul, the loneliness inside,
The pain that words cannot carry or say
It is not just another day

I see her face in the moon, in the night sky, in the children’s smile,
In the weeping clouds, in the blossomed flowers and the falling leaves
I see her face every time I shut my eyes, every time I open my mind

I hear her voice in the music I like, the poems I recite, the prayers I pray
I hear her voice when silence is around,
Alone or in the crowd

She did not die on that day, she just stopped living
And now, everyday is just another day 


  1. اللهم ارحم اموات المسلمين وادخلهم جنة عليين.
