Saturday 13 October 2012


Ignoring me....

I do not exist, or may be i am not sure if i do exist or not.
While others are busy to find the purpose of existence, i am struggling to find my existence.
I get on the bus sit next to somebody, anybody, could be you, and i notice that i am totally ignored as if i do not exist. I walk the roads the markets and plenty more places trying to see if anybody notices me? Do others notice my existence or i am a ghost, a wave of flesh passing by, nobody.
I look into peoples eyes, straight in the eyes trying to make sure that i am seen, i shout loudly so i can be heard, i try to prove my existence to others, but in every attempt i end up in frustration and failure, others notice me as a noise, as a mass, but not as me, a human, the best they could see is nobody!

I am nobody, to you and to most of those who inhibit earth, you and them still ignoring me, you still pretend i do not exist, and maybe you are all right, I do not exist, i am just a shadow of human who died at birth and just happened that the body continued to grow...

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