Monday 22 October 2012

What if?

I have a wild thought, so bear with me!

What if the world is not as we think of it, it is completely different, just let your imagination guide, lets go:

What if we are a very ting microorganisms inhibiting, or to be more accurate, infecting the earth. Some of us are bad bugs, and some are good, still there is an infection, an earthitis! What if global warming as we think we know it is just a mild fever the earth is suffering because of us, the infection. 

What if all the stars and planets we think we are looking at and studying are just normal living creatures going on their daily life. Some of them might be very interested in studying micro forms of life; us!

What if the bacteria living inside us is thinking of us in the same way we are thinking of our planet! and Earth is thinking of us in the same way we think of bacteria! after all, we are all made of 70% water!

What if the atoms that filling our universe are actually tiny creatures who some are fat, some are slim, some are rich riding private Gamma rays, and some are poor using public electron transports. 

What if some of them are debating creation, existence, life and death and all the jargon we philosophise about. What if some are warning them of dooms day, and some are just not convinced!

What if there is a complex life at every level, just like us!

What if there is a poor hydrogen atom, a tiny weak bacteria, a small dumb planet, an idiotic human  writing right now: what if!

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