Monday 12 August 2013



always above us, but never with us. always there, but never the same. 

in every morning we "check" the sky and decide our day:
happy, sad, angry, calm, lonely, lively, silent, awakening, clear, cloudy, sunny, blue, white, or grey..

I could add hundreds of words, because the sky is so wild and different, changes a lot and you never see the same sky twice!
Just like us, maybe. we are so moody and different, and the sky just reflects what it sees on the ground, it is the reflection of "us" "me" and "you" its truly our ever changing soul.  

many have been fascinated by the sky at night, I find the day sky more interesting. maybe because its closer to us, or maybe it is just a mirage, an illusion.

in every photo of these you see the sky, a different sky...There are not arranged in any order, random, just like the sky!

sunrise, sunset: the only two famous times that we think of the sky. oh, the moon, that's another one get us looking up!

I always wondered: why the clouds range from white to black on the side facing us, but always white on the sun side? shouldn't the sun turn them darker, like what it does to us?

Sky, it is there, but we need to pay more attention, so we can notice the obvious..

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